Monday, October 31, 2011


Kymbers scabs are starting to fall off from when she had her tonsils removed.  I read that the pain can flare during this time.  Her attitude and behavior is SOOOOO demanding and hard right now.  It's already hard, and then pain and discomfort on top of it, she is TERRIBLE.  Hopefully better in a few days.  I can't take much more!  Poor thing doesn't know what's going on so I know its hard on her too.  We aren't having to do pain medicine as often as before so it is slowly getting better.

Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch again, but a different one with Jerime's boss and his wife and daughter.  The girls had a lot of fun playing and seeing the animals.... but I didnt get any pictures except the one Jerime took of us before we left :(

Kymber went as Dorothy again tonight...  Originally for Halloween Cailey was going to be a Butterfly... she wore it to the event on Friday.  Then over the weekend she wanted to be something else, so she dressed up as a witch to match Grandma Pat in her outfit. :) I had bought a shirt to wear, it was too small so I took it back and was just going to wear a dress and boots, and Cailey's cowboy hat.  Well, the dress was too tight and the hat didn't fit.  So I didn't dress up at all.  I got Jerime an Angry Birds shirt this year and forgot to get a picture of all of us together.  Kymber was super cranky all day and up til we were actually out getting candy.... of course that made her better!  The first couple houses she didn't know what was going on, but then she started running up to the doors with Cailey... it was so cute to watch... and it reminded me of the first time with Cailey going trick or treating. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tonsils and Misery

WOW! I have not had a chance to write on here in awhile.  Alot going on.  Kymber had her tonsils taken out Monday morning (October 28, 2011).  I woke her up that morning at 530am and headed to the hospital.  She was quiet the whole car ride which is so unusual for her and she couldn't even have a drink.  She normally wakes up first thing and has a drink.  We checked in and she walked the halls and waited to have her pre-op "relaxation" meds.  After they gave that to her, they took us back to the holding area to meet the dr.  She was sooooo loopy.  She was throwing her head back, laughing and just making the craziest faces.  They wheeled her away at about 720am and at 809am they called me to meet the dr.  He said everything went great.  They then took me back to her and she was awake and hysterical.  I had planned on reading or relaxing most of the hospital stay .... I figured after a major surgery she would be so exhausted and drugged up she would sleep.  WRONG.  In the next 24 hours she slept 4 hours. We are on day 5 and hopefully tonight it will be more sleep.  Right now, cross my fingers, she is in her bed and might stay there.  We were taken to her room for an overnight stay.  She was dying of thirst, screaming for a drink.  They finally brought her drinks, and she took down 2 apple juice containers within minutes.  She ate her jello and was doing great.  She played the rest of the day like nothing ever happened. Then that night.  WOW.  She was up ALL night.  She slept an hour, was up a few, slept an hour, up an hour.  Total of maybe 4 hours of sleep max.  The next day was terrible.  She refused to drink or eat and we couldn't leave the hospital until she would.  She finally took enough sips to leave at 3:30pm.  That night she didn't do any better and the next day was MISERABLE.  She was in so much pain and frustration that nothing calmed her.  I was not expecting this type of reaction from tonsil surgery.  I mean.... if she was a few months older it is an outpatient procedure.  We are still consistently taking the pain meds.  Instead of a dose of 4 every 4 hours we are now doing 3 every 3 hours and it seems to be better for her.  It brings back so many memories of how she was when she was colic.... identical excpet now she is old enough to throw and kick and toss.... very hard.  Also, 30 lbs is alot harder to constantly carry around than 9lbs.  Hopefully in the next couple of days she will start getting back to her self, which isnt always cake but a lot better than this.  On that note, things with Kymber still are very difficult.  I am the only person that can soothe her, no one can hold her, her dad can barely take care of her.... if I am in the room she will kick and scream to get to me.  She has horrible intense tantrums, super easily frustrated, cannot self soothe... I could go on.  First Steps is going to be evaluating her to see where she is developmentally (in all areas) but most specifically to see where she is in her social/emotional development.  If she is delayed enough they will start services.  Not sure what all it means yet, but I'll find out more next week.  I actually disabled my Facebook because people can be so ignorant in their opinions and advice on Kymber's behaviors.  Dr. Sears definition of a High Needs Baby/Toddler fit her to a T and people don't seem to grasp the concept that she is not the typical 2 year old... which means the typical solutions to problems do not work with her.  Just as when she was a baby and people say how babies love car rides, swings, etc..... she screamed entire car rides and never used a swing.  She is different and some people cannot understand that.

Tonight we went to a Halloween event.  Cailey dressed in her butterfly costume and Kymber in her Dorothy.  It wasn't a lot to do, and wasn't that neat to us.... but Cailey said she had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cheerleading and Potty Training

Well .... I can't remember what all I typed last time now.  We are scheduled to remove Kymbers tonsils and adenoids on Oct 24th.  Im nervous but really excited this means sleep for everyone and that she will feel better and rested.  She is doing so good developmentally.  She is now stacking up to 8-9 blocks!  She is slowly combining 3 words but it is not real clear yet.  She jumps up and down better.... before she didn't really come off the ground, now she is starting to actually come off the ground instead of just pushing up and down.  She is actually telling me she has to use the potty in time now.... instead of telling me AFTER she's gone.  let's hope it keeps up!!  She is loving playing dress up and hair/make up already.  She can even walk in high heels.... she even ran through the house in them.  Cailey is really enjoying Kymber now that she is playing those things.

Cailey is doing Showstoppers Cheerleading.  She had her first package and really enjoyed it.  She was even more flexible than the cheer teacher! LOL  She was not shy at all and tried her hardest at the cheer moves.  I think she'll do really good in it. I'll get pictures of her in her uniform soon :)  Seems like it's been awhile since Cailey has said something that just made me laugh out I'm sure there's some on the way! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

crazy week!

Things have been CRAZY.  Last Monday Kymber had her sleep study.  She did well with having the wires hooked up to her and staying overnight at the hospital.  They called right away Tuesday with the results and said she was just over the average limit for sleep apnea, so not a big concern, but if she wasn't sleeping good at night then she could benefit from removing her tonsils and adenoids.  She had 14 obstructions that night but no sleep terror.  She wakes with almost every obstruction, and they averaged 8seconds to 10 seconds without breathing.  We go tomorrow to the ENT for follow up on the study and to discuss removing her tonsils.

Then.... Tuesday the worse experience to this point in my life.  We were at Walgreens and Kymber felt really hot when we were leaving.  She wasn't acting different and didn't have symptoms of being sick so I passed it off.  When we were driving out of the school from getting Cailey, Cailey told me Kymbers eyes were watery and she looked really sad.  I looked back and her eyes were rolled behind her head, her mouth was wide open drooling, and she was slightly twitching.  Seizure didn't come to my mind because I have only heard of them, and I thought full convulsing body was a seizure.  People came to help, called the ambulance and I was so scared, I thought I was loosing her.  She finally came to, spit up a bunch of saliva, then laid there on the blanket in the school drive, and fell asleep.  The ambulance took us to the hospital and she slowly came back to normal.   It was a febrile seizure.  Since her fever went from normal to 103 in about 30 minutes, it caused a seizure.  Scariest day of my life.  I cannot even explain the fear I had when I saw her in the way. 

Kymbers speech is REALLY growing!  she was saying "big girl" over and over then she said "dada, big girl!!!" haha.  She has said so many new words I have forgotten them!  Pop, big girl, spongebob (bobbob), poop, in here.... really copying what we say now too. 

Cailey is doing great in school.  At the beginning of the year she tested recognizing 6/54 and last week she tested 32/54!!!