Monday, July 9, 2012

Cant Keep Up

I mainly jot down little notes in the notebook instead of typing on here.  It's just so much to keep up with!

The girls went to the lake and went tubing for the first time! They had a blast.  They love the boat and Kymber loves the water.  She already doggy paddles and will for sure be swimming next summer.  I think if we could swim year round she would be already.  She has no fear.  Cailey is getting better but is still scared of water.... but she does go down the big slide at the pool, which is huge for her!  She's enjoying summer but she's anxious for school too ..... she advanced SO MUCH in kindergarten, I'm excited to see her grow this year too.

Kymber has been using the potty for months now, but she is pretty much potty trained!!! She will hold it when in the car, tell me she has to go and hold it until we get into the store.  She uses it all day long at home without any help and just goes on her on.  She still has to wear a night time diaper.

Today she counted to 7 with me (said the number after I said it) then she counted on from 7 up to 10 all by herself!!

She has started saying 4 words in a sentence.