Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quick little update!

Quick update while the girls are in the tub!!

Cailey was Soaring Student this month! 1 student from each class a month is chosen, so not every student gets this!  She was nominated this month for the month of the word- Perseverance.... it definitely fits her so well!  She is doing great in school, spelling many words, reading, and just overall doing great.

Kymber is still seeing the chiropractor, but less often.  She is doing so well, just has her moments!  She is still very very strong willed, but getting so better!  She is talking so much now and putting words together.  She can say the whole alphabet by copying after you say a letter. 

We are going to be out of diapers soon!! She is so interested in the potty again, thank goodness! She was interested at her first birthday then decided against it but now she loves it.  Overnight she isn't staying dry though so that part I'm not sure how long it'll be.  Cailey was closer to 3 years old for no night time accidents, so we'll see how it goes!

I'll post a link to Kymber's last chiropractor visit and here is a picture of Cailey after her assembly to receive her dogtag for Soaring Student!

Kymbers Adjustments

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chiropractor Care for Colic, Sensory Processing and many other symptoms

I know I haven't wrote on here in a long time, but I wrote up a testimonial for Kymbers doctor at Vance Chiropractic and I wanted to share on here, and hope that maybe someone who is experiencing the same problems will find this one day and get help. 

Before going to Dr. Josh Vance, Kymber was constantly crying.  At only 2 weeks old I knew something wasn’t right.  She would cry constantly and had to be carried and walked around day and night. She wouldn't stay in a swing, a bouncer, or an exercauser.  Everyone would speak about the importance of tummy time but she would scream non stop and vomit.  Basically the only place she could be comforted is swinging or rocking in my arms.  She had projectile vomiting until 7 months old all day long, after every feeding.  We changed her clothes and my clothes about 5-6 times a day because of it all.  Burp clothes were blankets.  It resulted in many trips to the pediatrician and ER but always the same answer:  take medicine for reflux and she will outgrow it.  She would act as though she was constipated but would never have solid stools.   From birth until seeing Dr. Josh Vance at 2 years old she was up every 2-3 hours at night.  She would sometimes wake up screaming and it could take up to an hour to get her to go to sleep.  And by “sleep” I mean her propped on top of me sitting in the recliner.  For 2 years we were up for the day at 4:30am.   We slept this way for 2 years but  up and down all night, not real sleep.  Doctors determined sleep apnea and removed her tonsils and adenoids but it never provided any relief.   Throughout the day she would have crying fits for up to 45 minutes long off and on all day.  It would sound like cries of pain or frustration, not a tantrum.  The pediatricians would not listen to me; they told me she was your typical 2 year old.  Car rides from birth until about 1 year old was constant screaming from the time we got in the car until she got out.  Around a year old it was just off and on screaming.  Naps were another nightmare.  From birth she would nap for about 20 minutes then wake up screaming.  She would take a few 20 minute naps as a baby but after about 9 months old, it was one 20 minute nap a day, sometimes two 20 min naps if I was lucky.  She was constantly on top of me and I couldn’t get any break and I couldn’t find any help in the pediatrician’s offices. Every time we went to the pediatrician Kymber would cling to me, not let them weigh her, listen to her heart or anything without crying. I couldn’t find help.

I heard Doctor Vance’s advertisement and I called.  I took Kymber in and while she was bashful acting she let the nurse weigh her, listen to her heart and sat on the table for her.  Dr. Josh Vance came in and talked to us and Kymber let him exam her and adjust her on the first visit.  They were so wonderful and gentle and understanding.  I felt like I finally had someone on our side and willing to work with us.  On the ride home Kymber sat and looked out the window, something that had NEVER happened before.  She took a nap that day for 2 hours.  We continued to see Dr. Josh regularly and the improvements are night and day.  I can’t even explain how much he has helped us.  She will now ask to see him and when we go she enjoys it. 
Kymber is now sleeping through the night, and if she wakes it is only to get a drink and goes right back to sleep in bed.  She goes to bed at 8pm and is up at 7:30am.   She will ride in the car without screaming.  She sits in her seat and plays with her toy or talks or sings.  She is napping atleast 1 hour a day.  She plays and now I can say she is your typical 2 year old little girl because of Dr. Josh Vance helping her.