Friday, September 30, 2011

A jumble of updates on Kymber

Kymber is finally starting to put herself to sleep.  Tonight she laid in my lap and fell asleep... I know that's not completely by herself, but its alot better than rocking her the whole time and patting her to get her to settle down!  She is developing so fast it is crazy.  She's beeing working on putting on clothes, socks, shoes.... she hasn't gotten it yet but she keeps trying hard!  She is able to zip (when its started) and unzip ... which means I can't keep her jacket on her =/   She pretend plays alot too, which she's been doing quite awhile now.  She pretends to cook, she pretends to eat with her kitchen set, plays barbies, shops, all those "make believe games".    She got her cash register out and then went to my purse and got my wallet out haha.  It's so cute to watch.   She is also showing a lot of empathy lately.  Cailey fell and got hurt and was sitting holding her foot.  Kymber went over, kissed her on her head and patted her.  Then she sat down and held Cailey's foot and looked at it.  So sweet, they love each other so much.  She is finally starting to use "mine" correctly.  It used to be when you told her "That's mine, dont touch."  She'd say "mine??".  Now she is actually doing the same thing, referring to her things.  I went to take her sippy cup and she said "no no, mine".  We were at the doctors office and I was explaining things she does (About her nightime crying, etc).  Kymber pointed to herself and said "Me?".  haha.  I think she is starting to show interest in colors, she has said blue and green and is trying to say yellow.  She will sometimes get "blue" correct when you ask her.  She also enjoys to copy your writing.  She gets out her notebook and starts to write then hands the pen and paper to you to write.  You write her name or something down and she takes it back and scribbles over the part where we wrote.  Also starting a thing when she laughs, she will laugh and tilt her head back and put her hand up over her mouth when she's laughing.   She has her morning routine down and likes to brush her own teeth and her own hair (I help after she has done it herself, although she hates to have help and tries to insist on doing everything herself! -- which is where frustration and temper tantrums are getting BAD at times!) She loves to smell candles and lotions and all that.  After she has smelled it she will put it up to your nose to have you smell it too.  She used to just listen when she was on the phone with Grandma, now she is starting to talk back and laugh while on the phone.  She has to walk around the house while talking and uses arm gestures.  When it's time to say bye, she doesn't say it, she holds the phone out, looks at it, and waves goodbye.  She is starting to jump up and down and thinks it is funny.  Loves to hold your hands while jumping or just having you jump while she is jumping.   She also likes running laps around things.... around the table, around the tree in the yard, around the car in the driveway.  We were looking at the photo album and she saw a picture of Cailey and got excited and started waving hi to her in the picture.  I am sure there is so much more to write down and I just dont think of it, becuase it seems like I will never forget this stuff, but I know I will so I want to keep a little journal of what I can :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sleep Apnea

The last time we were at the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist he had me watch for signs of sleep apnea for Kymber.  Went back to see him today and he is confident that is the issue she is having.  She breathes raspy all night long, chokes/coughs throughout the night, sleeps better in the recliner, heavy heavy wetting at night time, night terrors are getting bad, wakes up confused and crying ALL the time even naps, morning and night time, has only slept completely through the night a few times since birth... still up a couple times a night, very irritable through out the day. 

SO.... he said that tonsil sizes are measured on a scale of 0-4 and hers are around a size 3, so even if it weren't sleep apnea, he wants to remove them.  But to know what her oxygen levels and to monitor her sleep, we go for a sleep study.  Our consultation with the sleep lab is on Monday and then we will schedule the study and then surgery.  Let's hope sleep and better moods are in our future! :)

She did so good at the doctors, we were stuck in there for an hour in a tiny room with so many tempting things to touch and get into lol.

I also have no more cd player in the van.  Kymber likes to sit in the van and play, and pretend to drive.  I take the keys out and let her while I sit in the driveway or garage and work on something.  Well in between checks she stuffed quarters into the cd player :( 

Cailey's teacher wrote and she said that Cailey is already showing some progress which is GREAT but Cailey told me that she doesn't like school because it is so hard.  I dont know what to do to keep her encouraged. I've told her it will get easier and easier, but I want her to enjoy going, not dread it.  They have tutoring beginning next month for her.... I will take her Tuesdays and Thursdays at 730am for tutoring.  I have to think of something to make it more exciting for her. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kymber and Cailey's update

Kymber is staying consistent with about one to two words a day that are new.  She tried saying necklace today, it did not come out real clear but could tell she was trying.  We went to storytime and she loves it... she is starting to really get into the "shake your sillies out" and "heads, shoulders, knees and toes".  Today we were at the store and she is getting really bad about wanting to shop and not keep up with me.  She was looking at ornaments and I was ready... so I started walking and said "Bye Kymber".... she looked at me and said "bye mom".  That worked great! lol

I already posted this on facebook, but wanted it in my "journal" :)  The other day, we were doing bath time and Cailey tells me that Kymber screams really loud when she is scared.  I told her she does too.  She replied "hey, you better not post that on Craigslist!!!"  Then yesterday she came in and asked me how to spell DS.  (her nintendo DS).  So, I told her D-S.  She replied "Oh, DS is how you spell DS?"  Yes Cailey :)

Cailey is starting tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school for her letter recognition and writing.  It is free of charge because her teacher put in the request to help her.... so excited to see her catch up and progress :) 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bits and pieces .... updates :)

Today was  a huge day!  I had from 11am to 3:45pm ALONE.  This has not happened since before Kymber was born.... 19 months of NEVER being ALONE!  WOW!

While Kymber was shopping with mom and Grandma today in Branson, she picked up this little dog stuff toy and was hugging it.  Mom told her she wasnt getting it, it was a $20-$30 tiny stuff toy.  A lady came up and talked to Kymber and was sitting with her and the toy dog, she bought the dog for her.  A complete stranger.... how nice!!!

Yesterday on the way home, we were in the car and Kymber was looking at a picture of  a baby and going "awwwww".  Then she went "awwwwww cuttteee" :)

She is also saying purple and blue.

Today Cailey's class had a dress up day.  They could dress fancy or wear a costume.  Cailey wore a fancy dress and we curled her hair and put glitter on her.  On the way to school she told me she couldn't wait for all the kids to see her.  She said "they are going to LOVE my style!"  LOL

Monday I had a meeting with Cailey's teacher.  She has always been delayed and had been in speech therapy.  She graduated speech therapy but she still REALLY struggles with learning her numbers and letters and does not recognize them or able to write them.  The teacher is having a volunteer retired teacher work with her extra at class, and we are working on it each day after school and we will re-evaluate in a month.  She is thinking she is dyslexic as well as language delay.  Thank goodness Cailey is such a hard worker and never gives up!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Making Dinner

Tonight while making dinner Cailey told me how it looked like there was blood in the hamburger.  I told her it was, and she thought I was joking, that it was really ketchup.  I told her it was really blood but that's why we cook it, it takes all the blood out of it.  She replied, "so kind of like a vampire!".  Ya Cailey, cooking is just like a vampire ;)

Kymber is trying to talk more and more, but she has trouble ending the word so just the beginning comes out.  She is starting to say please, more like pee though lol.   She isn't sleeping good at all lately, up a couple times a night... worse night 3-4 times.  She's drooling and stuffing her fingers in the back of her mouth, working on her two year old molars.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gettin Fancy for Walmart

So, today at a garage sale, I got Cailey two "fancy dresses".  She wants to wear them everywhere.  I told her they were probably too dressy for school.  So she wanted to wear them outside to play.  I told her they were better for dress up, in the house, or if we go somewhere real nice.  Her reply...." so like for when we go to WalMart?"


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just another little update

I haven't been keeping up with this like I wanted to but here's a little update while Kymber is playing... I usually dont get on the computer until after she's in bed!

Yesterday she said tickle.... she was tickling my feet and said it once, I couldn't get her to say it again though.  At Walmart she kept pointing to the balloons and saying baboons baboons.   She is working on thank you but it was coming out more like "dank doo".  She is really starting to get super active, running all the time, playing on the slides and loves being outside.  Yesterday I went to go inside from the garage and the door was locked, we never lock that door so I assumed Cailey did it.  Well today, Kymber locked and shut the bathroom door.  Great....Hope she doesn't lock herself in!

Cailey is doing great in school.  She enjoys going and is learning a lot already.  She can write her full name without any help now.  Tonight she is going to a dance practice with the Nixa High School Glitter Girls.  Tomorrow night she will be performing at half time at the Homecoming game.

Jerime is waiting to go to court, Cailey and Britney's mother is going to be back around, after disappearing for 9 months... who knows what stress that is going to bring, but hopefully she doesn't do anything and she treats the girls better than she used to.  She admitted she doesn't want the girls living with her she just wants to see them on occasion and doesn't even want summer vacations with them or anything.  I can't even imagine. And I dread any tormoil she causes with the girls, she's hurt them and everyone enough already. What mother could be like that?  I do not get some people in this world.  Some days I'd give anything to not have to deal with all these issues.