Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bye 2011, Hello 2012!

The girls had a great Christmas.  Last year we were having a lot of financial struggles so we really didn't do that much.  This year I was able to shop clearance all year long and really give them a good Christmas and not spend a fortune! Cailey's favorite this year were her Holiday Barbie, Cupcake Maker, and Easy Bake Oven but she also loved her and Kymbers Sing a long Cd Player which is one of Kymbers favorites.  Kymber got a set of veggies that you "cut" with a toy knife and they come apart, that was a favorite, and her play kitchen.  Her and Kymber play house, restaraunt and LOVE it.  It's really cute.

Kymber and Cailey Sing A Long Player

We had our annual Christmas gathering at Grandma and Grandpa Thompsons.  The girls had a great time and Kymber warmed up towards the end, and actually let Gen hold her! First time ever letting someone hold her without crying!  (I'll have to download that pic!)

Kymber has had 3 meetings with her regular therapist and 1 meeting with her occupational therapist.  Things have already improved some and she is making such progress. They are teaching techniques and tips on what to do throughout the day to help her get the senses that she is seeking, and when she doesn't get those senses fulfilled she would normally be having tantrums,fits, frustration, anxiety etc.  She is not sleeping through the night at all, but last night was the first night that she woke up and just came and got me, without screaming!

Kymber is talking SO much.  She copies so many words, putting two words together (sometimes they are more of the beginning sound of the word, she can't complete the full word) but it is really progressing!  She is also working on saying letters and loves it when Cailey and I sing the alphabet and she tries to sing a long with us.She is learning animals and the sounds they make.  She has said more and please for quite awhile now, but in the past few weeks she has started using the sign language for them as well.  She LOVES itsy bitsy spider and does the hand movements and asks to sing it over and over and over.  Books is also her favorite right now.  Read the same books over and over, and every morning we go through about 10-12 books. so much right now that she is doing more and more and little improvements with the sensory issue make a HUGE difference.

Cailey has now mastered all of her letters and all of the sounds.  She is spelling more words and able to read a few words.  She loves writing and asking how to spell, I think by the end of the year she will have made a big progress.  It's already night and day progress!  She had her last day of Cheerleading and received her medal for it. She can't wait to start back in February but is wanting to maybe do tumbling instead, but also is asking about soccer and Tball.  Not sure what we are going to do.

Showstopper Dance

Cailey had her birthday party.  We did a Barbie theme and she had 3 of her friends from school over.  They had a lot of fun playing a game "pass the wand" and putting on makeup!  She LOVES having parties, she had a great time :)

I know I forget so much that goes on that I wish I remembered to write down.  :(  Hopefully I will eventually get better at doing this more often!